Flash cards


1 times table
2 times table
3 times table
4 times table
5 times table
6 times table
7 times table
8 times table
9 times table
10 times table
11 times table
12 times table
Become a star by practicing with flash cards. Flash cards are small cards that are used to quickly learn something new. On the front of the card is the question and on the back is the answer. This allows you to immediately see what the answer is to the question. In this flash card game, these are combined with a times tables test in more difficult variants. You can practice the times tables of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12 times with the flash cards quiz. The more times tables you choose, the more questions you will get during the exercise. So try to build it up slowly with a few tables if you find it difficult.
There are a total of three variants of this math exercise: easy, medium and hard. In the easy variant, you only get to see the multiplication flash cards. You can flip the card whenever you want and when you're done you can move on to the next card. When you have seen all the flash cards you are done and you can choose another exercise. In the medium variant, you get the flash cards and then you have to give an answer. You can flip the card as many times as you like to see the answer. In the difficult variant, you get the flash cards and you also have to answer the question. You may not turn over the card until you have given an answer. So think carefully before you answer. At the end of the exercise, you can see which questions you answered incorrectly. Study your mistakes carefully so you don't make them next time. Have fun finding the answers! You can also practice on paper by using our printable flash cards. Here you can download the flash cards pdf for free or print them directly. With these flash cards, you can practice at home or in the classroom.