Learn the other times tables as well:
Practise your times tables against the clock
This is where you can practise your tables against the clock. Select the times tables you want to practise. You can practise the times tables against the clock separately, a few at a time or all at the same time. You get 10 seconds for each question. The idea is that you give your answers as quickly as possible. In the Times Tables Speed Test X you are awarded 10 points for each correct answer and a point for each second that is left. The most important thing is that you answer the question within the time allowed, because that is how you score most points. If you select all tables for this test you will be asked no fewer than 65 questions. Good luck practising!
Knowing the times tables is an important numeracy skill.
Recently a lot of attention has been given to improving basic numeracy skills which are important to the pupil's future educational progress. For instance, in KS1 and KS2 a lot of attention is devoted to the times tables, but the skills learned are needed later on in mathematics. Automation is therefore one of the core objectives of primary education and routine practise of calculations is an important part of being able to do more complicated sums later on in school. This speed calculation test is designed to aid automation of the times tables.